About Demon's Worlds
- Page published
- 2024-06-30
- World
- Nexial Repose
I’m Aria Salvatrice, some sort of multimedia autist from France, and Demon’s Worlds is my newly-created space to talk about some of my favorite games: those that exist in a conversation with Demon’s Souls (2009).
When Demon’s Souls released, it rekindled my dwindling interest in video games. If you’re not convinced, just read a few pages of this site.
When i’m not playing Demon’s Souls, i’m probably designing modular synthesizers, playing Factorio (same thing), blogging about the latest new genders discovered on this gay earth, or playing with my dog named Ornstein. If they made a game that combines Dark Souls and Factorio, it would be the stupidest idea ever appealing to nobody except me, and my life would be over. Find out more about my expansive collection of special interests by browsing the other sub-sites i host. Send me your address so i can visit you and explain my passions.
My pages are living documents, continously edited, and fashioned in the style of Fan Sites of the Old Web: i make no attempt to please an audience, though i do hope you will enjoy reading those pages.
I chose to name my place “Demon’s Worlds” to avoid saying the word “Soulslike”. Not only i dislike the very sound of it, more importantly, i fear that, much like “Roguelike”, it will eventually fossilize a beautiful thing into a strict, prescriptive definition. Instead, i pick Demon’s Souls as a stylistic nexus from which to warp to similar worlds.
Because of that, expect me to pass over games that do not pique my personal interest, such as 2D games inspired by the genre, but to mention games that do not fit the definition, yet are interesting to discuss in those pages.
And enough deserved praise has been given to From Software’s games. My focus is on less known games, and articles that connect or span multiple works in the vein, especially since this site is just getting started.
In general, i aim to at least post impressions about each game i played, then more in-depth articles when there is anything more i care to say.
If you’re an amateur developer, do not hesitate to bring to my attention free games you’re creating, and if you’re a pro, to offer me a download code, so long as you fully understand this site is an unmonetized labor of love: i do not and can not promise coverage, let alone timely or positive coverage. I focus on analysis, nerdery, obscure errata, and enthusiastic critique, not on release cycle influencer hype.
You can also send me comments and dog gifs to my e-mail woof@aria.dog.
Ok cool ttyl oomfie.
This website is statically generated using many resources shared by the Javascript community, the most prominent being Astro, Svelte, and MDX.
The site was designed to evoke the rugged user interface of Demon’s Souls (2009), translating iconic elements of its visual language of harsh metals, dull gold icons, and hazy black overlays to responsive CSS3 techniques.
The main body text is typeset in the Ibarra Real Nova family, and the alternate typeface for UI and titles is Zarathustra.
Graphics credits
The background illustrations for each article are individually credited at the bottom of the page, and generally are either my own screenshots, or official artwork by the developer. If you click on the credit, you might be linked to a higher quality version of the image, should i have one to offer.
The 3D sculptures representing each game were rendered using Blender, using a mix of my own models, meshes extracted from the original games, and freely shared meshes provided by the following artists: